Universally pausing all customers is easy!
Step 1: Email the Gazelle Team at support@gazelleapp.io
Step 2: Read this article when you are ready to end your universal pause.
Step 3: Done.
Universally Pause All Reminders
In extreme situations you have the option to universally pause all reminders until a certain date.
We do not usually recommend this course of action because:
It does not let Gazelle fill your future calendar while you are away
It causes customers to miss important reminder messages
It creates extra work for you when you return.
But it can be useful in some situations:
Health Crisis
Extended Travel Abroad
Moving / Relocating
Personal Injury & Recovery
How do I turn on/off a universal pause?
Email support@gazelleapp.io and let us know how long you want to pause your reminders. This feature can only be enabled/disabled via a written request from you to our staff.
Will my clients receive any automatic reminder messages while my account is paused?
No, all automated reminder messages are stopped from going out.