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Subcontracting Young Technicians

How to send low(er) quality pianos to young technicians who are eager for work and experience.

Luke Ehresman avatar
Written by Luke Ehresman
Updated over a week ago

Subcontracting temporary help from young (and inexperienced technicians) is easy!
​Step 1: Add your subcontractor as a user on your existing Gazelle Subscription.

Step 2: Set up a 2-way sync to keep their calendar(s) up to date with the Gazelle calendar your company will be using to fill holes in their schedule.

Step 3: Choose the services your subcontractor can provide.

Step 4: Start scheduling events on their calendar.


Where do I find people?

Contact the the various trade organizations and schools and see if they know anyone in the area hungry for work and experience. The schools will be eager to help their graduates; and the trade organizations will be eager to help their young members.

How do I ensure quality in their work?

The easiest thing to do is send this person all your spinets and old uprights so you can keep your calendar open for the nicer pianos that need to perform at a higher level. Even a knowledgeable but inexperienced technician can improve these pianos; freeing you up to provide top-notch service to your best customers.

Can I disable their user at any time?

Yes, as soon as your busy season slows down you can disable their user and funnel all your appointments back onto your calendar.

Can this person see my calendar (or other user's calendars) when they log in?

No, subcontracted users can only see their calendar and limited data in your system. Click here for more info on user permissions and access restrictions.

Can I limit the services this user can provide?

Yes, edit the items on your Master Service List to limit the services different users can provide. Read this article.

Can I charge a different rate for their services (compared to my services)?

Yes, simply create a Master Service List item tied to this user (i.e. Regulation, Voicing, Finish Repair, etc... this will help customers schedule with the right person on your team. Read this article.

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